6 Company Office Holiday Party Tips
The office holiday party can be an incredible team-building exercise that brings your employees together, increases company loyalty, decreases turnover rates and even boosts productivity. Employees work harder and faster when they feel valued by the company. With the right office holiday party ideas, you can create a memorable, exciting event that gets everyone into the holiday spirit and helps your company move into the new year on a positive note.
Now you just have to plan the perfect party. To get you started, here are a few company holiday party ideas that can really click with your workforce:
● Incorporate philanthropy into the event by connecting it with a non-profit or a charity organization. Show your workers that it’s more than just a time to relax and enjoy themselves. It’s a party with a purpose. This helps build a positive company culture.
● Offer rewards to encourage giving and participation. For example, tell workers who bring in a toy or a canned good — to be given away to those in need — that they can exchange it for a flower centerpiece or a raffle ticket.
● If you’re going to have live entertainment of any kind, consider hiring a nonprofit. You may even want to choose the same one that you’re giving to, allowing them to influence the party and connect with the workforce. Make them part of the event and help people get to know their mission and their goals.
● To keep the costs down, one of the best office holiday party tips is to simply pick a holiday color when decorating. Use that color — red and/or green for Christmas, for instance — as the main focal point. It’s effective and impactful, but you don’t have to spend a lot. Light decorative touches will be plenty. Encourage employees to dress in the holiday spirit to add a festive vibe to the event.
● One of your company holiday party ideas may be to cater the event, to have an open bar or even to let employees bring in alcoholic beverages of their choosing. That’s fine, and it’s a staple of many holiday parties, but you do need to be mindful of alcohol consumption. Be careful to ensure no one drinks too much. You could have limited drink tickets, for instance, or a limited time when drinks can be purchased. One of the best office holiday party ideas is to encourage workers to use Uber, Lyft and similar services so they don’t need to drive home.
With these company holiday party tips, you are well on your way to throwing a phenomenal event that rewards your workers, embraces the holiday spirit and puts everyone in a festive mood during the most wonderful time of the year.
Read more from Sullivan Group to learn about the 6 company office holiday party tips that you need to know for you company party this year. Contact Sullivan Group today!